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Know The Root Causes Of Neuropathic Painand Nerve Root Pain

Know The Root Causes Of Neuropathic Painand Nerve Root Pain

As a medical condition, neuropathic pain is one of the most difficult to survive. When a person feels neuropathic pain, they may suffer a lot of problems. There are many underlying causes that can trigger nerve pain.

If you are suffering from nerve pain, you must know that it can appear in different types, like tingling, burning, electric, and pins-and-needles. Many people are suffering from this pain and, the surprising thing is that they have no idea about what type of pain it is.

There are millions of people who are suffering from different types of nerve pain. Medicines such as Gabapentin 600 mg can improve the symptoms of nerve pain.

Reasons behind nerve pain

There are many reasons behind having nerve pain. There are some diseases that can trigger nerve pain. Some illnesses can cause different types of pain, such as diabetes, HIV, trauma, etc.

How does diabetes cause neuropathic pain?

Diabetes can harm the nerves and, that nerve damage is known as neuropathy. These things can affect the different body parts like feet, legs, arms, back, etc. Sometimes it also affects your eyes and vision. When your blood sugar level is under control, you should see a reduction in your initial symptoms.

Diabetes can causes neuropathy like peripheral neuropathy, autonomic neuropathy, proximal neuropathy, focal neuropathy, and other nerve damages.


Cancer is also a general cause of neuropathic pain. Symptoms of cancer can trigger nerve pain and, cancer treatment also can cause nerve pain. Three types of nerves, sensory, motor, and autonomic, have chances to affect by cancer. A patient with cancer suffer from peripheral neuropathy, so there is more chance to face additional issues to come out.


When you have an injury, it is common to experience nerve pain. Following a traumatic event, approximately 50 percent of people experience pain.  Many patients who suffer from chronic pain after a traumatic event have nerve injuries that are either identified or undiscovered.

Celiac disease

Celiac disorder is a digestive disorder that can also cause nerve damage. People with celiac disease were 2.5 times more likely than the general population to be diagnosed with nerve damage. People with this disease can generally suffer from peripheral neuropathy. There was no evidence of a causal relationship between these two things. People can control this disease by some specific diet.

Alcohol and nerve pain

Alcoholic neuropathy is a serious health condition that develops as a result of excessive alcohol consumption. Nerve damage leads to strange feelings in the extremities, decreased movement, and loss of some body functions. Early diagnosis and treatment can lessen the chance of lifelong impairment.

Excessive alcohol consumption might result in tingling sensations in the limbs of the individual who has drunk the alcohol. Alcohol causes damage to the peripheral nerves, which results in this condition. These nerves are responsible for connecting the brain and spinal cord to the muscles, limbs, and sensory organs of the body. The brain can regulate the body and receive sensory information via the peripheral nerves.

Alcoholic neuropathy occurs when alcohol causes damage to the peripheral nerves. People who regularly drink extensively are at risk of getting this illness. Gabapentin 600 generally prescribes to reduce the pain who are suffering from this alcoholic neuropathy.

Physical injuries and nerve pain

There are more possibilities for having neuropathic pain when a person faces injuries to the tissues, joints, and muscles. Sometimes the injuries recover with time, but the damage to the nervous system is not. For several years after the injury, you might have experienced persistent pain.

Major accidents or injuries damage or spine, and this damage leads you to neuropathic pain. Spinal cord compression or herniated discs damage the nerve fibers which are available around the spine.

Treatment of nerve pain

When the reason behind your nerve pain is other health conditions like diabetes, HIV, or cancer, you must have to treat them first. You have to treat the root cause of this pain first. Treatments for the underlying condition may or may not be effective in relieving your pain. Nerve pain may require treatment that is independent of the disease that is causing it.

Nerve pain can treat with some effective and appropriate treatment, but it depends on the patients’ health condition, the underlying cause, and the dangers of potential side effects.

If you’re experiencing nerve pain, changing your habits could help you feel better and alleviate some of the sufferings. Exercise, a nutritious diet, quitting smoking, and taking the time to practice relaxation techniques can all help to reduce stress.

The bottom line

As we see, nerve pain can trigger by many causes, many diseases too. If you can get control over the nerve pain triggers, you can get relief from neuropathic pain. You can manage neuropathic pain with medications, diet, lifestyles, etc.

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